
Give Grace

G i v i n g . G r a c e . W h e n . I t . J u s t . F e e l s . H a r d. I wanted to share something that I have been working on lately and its giving grace. I am good at it and then I struggle, ... READ the POST

Turning Fear into Faith- Anxiety and Me

  f a i t h .  o v e r .  f e a r Do you worry? If you said no, I wouldn’t believe you. We all worry, we are human and it’s a natural reaction to a lot of things. I see worrying as ... READ the POST

Meet Christin

Welcome! I'm Christin- The gal behind the blog.     I am SO glad you are here. Let me tell you a bit about myself-- I am a Mama to 3 beautiful girlies or ringmaster of a small ... READ the POST

Mental Health

Being a mom to twins and a toddler is a lot like a flight on an airplane to me. It takes off on time, with zero turbulence, landing nicely with your bags waiting or it’s the opposite. Your flight is ... READ the POST