
The Last Pill

I started to write this because I’ve received many messages saying how happy and different I look now that we moved to the beach. Messages keep rolling in and people see a difference in me. That, my ... READ the POST

Strong as a Mother

It was a typical morning around the house. Between dressing and feeding the kids and making herself look presentable, this mom wondered if she even knew who she was anymore. She enjoyed her children ... READ the POST

Just Because Someone Carries it Well, Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Heavy

Just because someone carries it well, doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy I saw this quote the other day, it hit me, exposed me & I think resonated with a lot of others because I got about 20 messages ... READ the POST

Turning Fear into Faith- Anxiety and Me

  f a i t h .  o v e r .  f e a r Do you worry? If you said no, I wouldn’t believe you. We all worry, we are human and it’s a natural reaction to a lot of things. I see worrying as ... READ the POST